Near rhymes with Contradictory

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 valedictory vaalidiktuhree 1283 Definition
2 documentary dokyuhmentuhree 1261 Definition
3 trajectory t_ruhjektuhree 1260 Definition
4 victorie viktoree 1260 Definition
5 topiary tuh_uupiuhree 1251 Definition
6 podiatry puhdah_iuht_ree 1247 Definition
7 confiscatory konfis_ke_ituhree 1244 Definition
8 placatory p_luhke_ituhree 1242 Definition
9 interrogatory intuhroguhtuhree 1241 Definition
10 consolatory kuhnsuh_uuluhtuhree 1241 Definition
11 consistory kuhnsistuhree 1240 Definition
12 masturbatory maastuhrbe_ituhree 1239 Definition
13 splintery s_p_lintuhree 1239 Definition
14 premonitory p_rimonituhree 1237 Definition
15 admonitory aadmonituhree 1237 Definition
16 stimulatory s_timyuhle_ituhree 1236 Definition
17 tilbury tilbuhree 1233 Definition
18 bilberry bilbuhree 1233 Definition
19 pillsbury pil_zbuhree 1232 Definition
20 manufactory maanyuhfaaktuhree 1231 Definition
21 repository ripozituhree 1228 Definition
22 expository eks_pozituhree 1228 Definition
23 depository dipozituhree 1228 Definition
24 depositary dipozituhree 1228 Definition
25 trickery t_rikuhree 1227 Definition
26 circumlocutory serrkuhmlokyuhtuhree 1226 Definition
27 glittery g_lituhree 1224 Definition
28 bigotry biguht_ree 1224 Definition
29 piggery piguhree 1223 Definition
30 antiquary aantikwuhree 1222 Definition
31 complementary komp_limentuhree 1221 Definition
32 complimentary komp_limentuhree 1221 Definition
33 stipendiary s_tah_ipendiuhree 1220 Definition
34 intermediary intuhrmeediuhree 1220 Definition
35 introductory int_ruhdaktuhree 1220 Definition
36 bestiary beestiuhree 1219 Definition
37 fiduciary fah_id_yuushiuhree 1219 Definition
38 auditory awdituhree 1217 Definition
39 ambulatory aamb_yuhle_ituhree 1217 Definition
40 peremptory puhrem_ptuhree 1216 Definition
41 celebratory seluhb_re_ituhree 1216 Definition
42 hickory hikuhree 1216 Definition
43 chicory chikuhree 1216 Definition
44 pecuniary pik_yuuniuhree 1215 Definition
45 contemporary kuhntempuhree 1213 Definition
46 frippery f_ripuhree 1212 Definition
47 capillary kuhpiluhree 1212 Definition
48 olfactory olfaaktuhree 1211 Definition
49 testamentary testuhmentuhree 1211 Definition
50 rotatory ruh_uute_ituhree 1210 Definition
51 slippery s_lipuhree 1209 Definition
52 beneficiary benifishiuhree 1207 Definition
53 ciliary siliuhree 1207 Definition
54 domiciliary domisiliuhree 1207 Definition
55 judiciary juudishiuhree 1207 Definition
56 subsidiary suhbsidiuhree 1207 Definition
57 farriery faariuhree 1207 Definition
58 periphery puhrifuhree 1207 Definition
59 unparliamentary anparrluhmentuhree 1207 Definition
60 dosimetry duh_uusimuht_ree 1206 Definition
61 ejaculatory ijaakyuhle_ituhree 1206 Definition
62 arbitrary arrbit_ruhree 1205 Definition
63 presbytery p_rezbituhree 1205 Definition
64 baptistery baaptis_tuhree 1205 Definition
65 kingsbury king_zbuhree 1205 Definition
66 jittery jituhree 1202 Definition
67 prehistory p_reehistuhree 1201 Definition
68 history histuhree 1201 Definition
69 revelatory revuhle_ituhree 1201 Definition
70 refectory rifektuhree 1198 Definition
71 breviary b_reviuhree 1197 Definition
72 aviary e_iviuhree 1197 Definition
73 woodbury wudbuhree 1196 Definition
74 dormitory dawrmituhree 1196 Definition
75 fingery fingguhree 1195 Definition
76 monetary manituhree 1194 Definition
77 rectory rektuhree 1194 Definition
78 directory dah_irektuhree 1194 Definition
79 depilatory dipilituhree 1194 Definition
80 hereditary heredituhree 1194 Definition
81 inhibitory inhibituhree 1194 Definition
82 insanitary insaanituhree 1194 Definition
83 military milituhree 1194 Definition
84 sanitary saanituhree 1194 Definition
85 transitory t_raan_zituhree 1194 Definition
86 catenary kuhteenuhree 1194 Definition
87 innovatory inuh_uuve_ituhree 1192 Definition
88 derogatory diroguhtuhree 1191 Definition
89 auxiliary awgzilyuhree 1191 Definition
90 reliquary relik_wuhree 1191 Definition
91 lapidary laapiduhree 1191 Definition
92 mystery mistuhree 1191 Definition
93 dignitary dignituhree 1190 Definition
94 unitary yuunituhree 1190 Definition
95 aggregatory aagrige_ituhree 1189 Definition
96 commandery kuhmaanduhree 1188 Definition
97 drapery d_re_ipuhree 1187 Definition
98 deprecatory deprike_ituhree 1186 Definition
99 bakery be_ikuhree 1185 Definition
What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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