Near rhymes with Parole

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 patrol puht_ruh_uul 2899 Definition
2 decontrol deekuhnt_ruh_uul 2850 Definition
3 controlled kuhnt_ruh_uul_d 2850 Definition
4 control kuhnt_ruh_uul 2850 Definition
5 cholesterol kuhlestuhruh_uul 2715 Definition
6 condole kuhnduh_uul 2706 Definition
7 carole kaaruh_uul 2702 Definition
8 enrol enruh_uul 2702 Definition
9 enroll enruh_uul 2702 Definition
10 prole p_ruh_uul 2702 Definition
11 role ruh_uul 2702 Definition
12 roll ruh_uul 2702 Definition
13 rolled ruh_uul_d 2702 Definition
14 scroll s_k_ruh_uul 2702 Definition
15 stroll s_t_ruh_uul 2702 Definition
16 troll t_ruh_uul 2702 Definition
17 cajoles kuhjuh_uul_z 2688 Definition
18 cajole kuhjuh_uul 2688 Definition
19 casserole kaasuhruh_uul 2664 Definition
20 rigmarole riguhmuhruh_uul 2650 Definition
21 overrule uh_uuvuhruul 2636 Definition
22 oversold uh_uuvuhrsuh_uul_d 2577 Definition
23 knowles nuh_uul_z 2558 Definition
24 dolt duh_uul_t 2558 Definition
25 dole duh_uul 2558 Definition
26 bacchanal baakuhnuhl 2557 Definition
27 corporal kawrpuhruhl 2525 Definition
28 puerperal p_yuuerrpuhruhl 2525 Definition
29 spatiotemporal s_pe_ishiuh_uutempuhruhl 2525 Definition
30 temporal tempuhruhl 2525 Definition
31 payroll pe_iruh_uul 2522 Definition
32 bedroll bedruh_uul 2522 Definition
33 bankroll baang_kruh_uul 2522 Definition
34 doctoral doktuhruhl 2522 Definition
35 electoral ilektuhruhl 2522 Definition
36 enteral entuhruhl 2522 Definition
37 parenteral paarentuhruhl 2522 Definition
38 pastoral paastuhruhl 2522 Definition
39 pectoral pektuhruhl 2522 Definition
40 postdoctoral puh_uus_tdoktuhruhl 2522 Definition
41 unilateral yuunilaatuhruhl 2522 Definition
42 vertebral verrtuhb_ruhl 2522 Definition
43 doggerel doguhruhl 2518 Definition
44 inaugural inawg_yuhruhl 2518 Definition
45 hole huh_uul 2515 Definition
46 hold huh_uul_d 2515 Definition
47 fold fuh_uul_d 2515 Definition
48 foal fuh_uul 2515 Definition
49 enfold enfuh_uul_d 2515 Definition
50 colt kuh_uul_t 2515 Definition
51 cole kuh_uul 2515 Definition
52 cold kuh_uul_d 2515 Definition
53 coal kuh_uul 2515 Definition
54 behold bihuh_uul_d 2515 Definition
55 kohl kuh_uul 2515 Definition
56 nicole nikuh_uul 2515 Definition
57 withhold withhuh_uul_d 2515 Definition
58 whole huh_uul 2515 Definition
59 thole thuh_uul 2515 Definition
60 tenfold tenfuh_uul_d 2515 Definition
61 shoal shuh_uul 2515 Definition
62 scold s_kuh_uul_d 2515 Definition
63 poult puh_uul_t 2515 Definition
64 polled puh_uul_d 2515 Definition
65 poll puh_uul 2515 Definition
66 pole puh_uul 2515 Definition
67 droll d_rol 2509 Definition
68 misrule misruul 2509 Definition
69 rolf rol_f 2509 Definition
70 rolfe rol_f 2509 Definition
71 rolph rol_f 2509 Definition
72 rolt rol_t 2509 Definition
73 rule ruul 2509 Definition
74 rules ruul_z 2509 Definition
75 mole muh_uul 2495 Definition
76 mold muh_uul_d 2495 Definition
77 mol muh_uul 2495 Definition
78 jolt juh_uul_t 2495 Definition
79 gold guh_uul_d 2495 Definition
80 goals guh_uul_z 2495 Definition
81 goal guh_uul 2495 Definition
82 espagnole espahnyuh_uul 2495 Definition
83 bowl buh_uul 2495 Definition
84 mould muh_uul_d 2495 Definition
85 moult muh_uul_t 2495 Definition
86 outsold ah_uutsuh_uul_d 2495 Definition
87 vole vuh_uul 2495 Definition
88 toll tuh_uul 2495 Definition
89 told tuh_uul_d 2495 Definition
90 stole s_tuh_uul 2495 Definition
91 souls suh_uul_z 2495 Definition
92 soul suh_uul 2495 Definition
93 sole suh_uul 2495 Definition
94 sold suh_uul_d 2495 Definition
95 seoul suh_uul 2495 Definition
96 coral koruhl 2492 Definition
97 doral doruhl 2488 Definition
98 behavioral bihe_ivyuhruhl 2485 Definition
99 funeral f_yuunuhruhl 2485 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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