Near rhymes with Bertrand

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 burdened berrduhn_d 3621 Definition
2 berglund berr_gluhn_d 3554 Definition
3 kirkland kerr_kluhn_d 3547 Definition
4 serpent serrpuhn_t 3489 Definition
5 inadvertent inaadverrtuhn_t 3487 Definition
6 verdant verrduhn_t 3478 Definition
7 disbursement disberr_smuhn_t 3417 Definition
8 internment interr_nmuhn_t 3410 Definition
9 interment interrmuhn_t 3410 Definition
10 detergent diterrjuhn_t 3410 Definition
11 borland bawrluhn_d 3404 Definition
12 portland pawr_tluhn_d 3400 Definition
13 dispersant dis_perrsuhn_t 3393 Definition
14 alternant olterrnuhn_t 3392 Definition
15 important impawrtuhn_t 3382 Definition
16 discernment diserr_nmuhn_t 3379 Definition
17 insurgent inserrjuhn_t 3379 Definition
18 resurgent riserrjuhn_t 3379 Definition
19 discordant diskawrduhn_t 3369 Definition
20 concordant konkawrduhn_t 3369 Definition
21 accordant uhkawrduhn_t 3369 Definition
22 averment uhverrmuhn_t 3368 Definition
23 convergent kuhnverrjuhn_t 3368 Definition
24 divergent dah_iverrjuhn_t 3368 Definition
25 emergent imerrjuhn_t 3368 Definition
26 merchant merrchuhn_t 3368 Definition
27 intercurrent intuhrkerruhn_t 3365 Definition
28 concurrent kuhnkerruhn_t 3365 Definition
29 urgent errjuhn_t 3364 Definition
30 proportioned p_ruhpawrshuhn_d 3358 Definition
31 moorland mawrluhn_d 3355 Definition
32 versant verrsuhn_t 3348 Definition
33 conversant kuhnverrsuhn_t 3348 Definition
34 adjournment uhjerr_nmuhn_t 3347 Definition
35 deferment diferrmuhn_t 3347 Definition
36 fervent ferrvuhn_t 3347 Definition
37 observant obzerrvuhn_t 3347 Definition
38 preferment p_riferrmuhn_t 3347 Definition
39 northland nawr_thluhn_d 3334 Definition
40 servant serr_vuhn_t 3334 Definition
41 absorbent aabsawrbuhn_t 3328 Definition
42 mordant mawrduhn_t 3328 Definition
43 maidservant me_idserrvuhn_t 3319 Definition
44 manservant maanserrvuhn_t 3319 Definition
45 menservants menserrvuhn_t_s 3319 Definition
46 erland e_uhrluhn_d 3312 Definition
47 ormond awrmuhn_d 3309 Definition
48 hardened harrduhn_d 3304 Definition
49 garland garrluhn_d 3271 Definition
50 cartland karr_tluhn_d 3268 Definition
51 northumberland nawrthambuhrluhn_d 3265 Definition
52 cumberland kambuhrluhn_d 3265 Definition
53 errand eruhn_d 3264 Definition
54 adornment uhdawr_nmuhn_t 3263 Definition
55 comportment kompawr_tmuhn_t 3263 Definition
56 deportment dipawr_tmuhn_t 3263 Definition
57 dormant dawrmuhn_t 3263 Definition
58 endorsement endawr_smuhn_t 3263 Definition
59 ireland ah_i_uhrluhn_d 3259 Definition
60 reentrant rient_ruhn_t 3256 Definition
61 entrant ent_ruhn_t 3256 Definition
62 abandoned uhbaanduhn_d 3247 Definition
63 gerund jeruhn_d 3247 Definition
64 carpenter karrpuh_uhn_t_r 3240 Definition
65 repentant ripentuhn_t 3237 Definition
66 assortment uhsawr_tmuhn_t 3229 Definition
67 dependent dipenduhn_t 3228 Definition
68 independent indipenduhn_t 3228 Definition
69 interdependent intuhrdipenduhn_t 3228 Definition
70 pendant penduhn_t 3228 Definition
71 pendent penduhn_t 3228 Definition
72 resplendent ris_p_lenduhn_t 3228 Definition
73 switzerland s_witsuhrluhn_d 3227 Definition
74 marland marrluhn_d 3226 Definition
75 attendant uhtenduhn_t 3224 Definition
76 intendant intenduhn_t 3224 Definition
77 superintendent suupuhrintenduhn_t 3224 Definition
78 quadrant k_wodruhn_t 3223 Definition
79 headland hedluhn_d 3221 Definition
80 claremont k_le_uhrmon_t 3220 Definition
81 vermont verrmon_t 3218 Definition
82 declarant dik_leruhn_t 3215 Definition
83 deterrent diteruhn_t 3215 Definition
84 desmond dezmuhn_d 3213 Definition
85 sutherland sadhuhrluhn_d 3212 Definition
86 netherlands nedhuhrluhn_d_z 3212 Definition
87 threatened th_retuhn_d 3211 Definition
88 intentioned intenshuhn_d 3210 Definition
89 millpond milpon_d 3210 Definition
90 mcfarland muhkfarrluhn_d 3205 Definition
91 second sekuhn_d 3201 Definition
92 husband hazbuhn_d 3199 Definition
93 enforcement enfawr_smuhn_t 3197 Definition
94 informant infawrmuhn_t 3197 Definition
95 reinforcement reeinfawr_smuhn_t 3197 Definition
96 expectant eks_pektuhn_t 3195 Definition
97 ardent arrduhn_t 3194 Definition
98 descendent disenduhn_t 3194 Definition
99 descendant disenduhn_t 3194 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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