Near rhymes with Ardent

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 carpenter karrpuh_uhn_t_r 3648 Definition
2 hardened harrduhn_d 3573 Definition
3 mordant mawrduhn_t 3539 Definition
4 discordant diskawrduhn_t 3539 Definition
5 concordant konkawrduhn_t 3539 Definition
6 accordant uhkawrduhn_t 3539 Definition
7 absorbent aabsawrbuhn_t 3529 Definition
8 important impawrtuhn_t 3529 Definition
9 retardant ritarr_duhn_t 3512 Definition
10 argent arrjuhn_t 3476 Definition
11 apartment uhparr_tmuhn_t 3461 Definition
12 compartment kuhmparr_tmuhn_t 3461 Definition
13 department diparr_tmuhn_t 3461 Definition
14 enlargement enlarr_jmuhn_t 3461 Definition
15 escarpment es_karr_pmuhn_t 3461 Definition
16 garment garrmuhn_t 3461 Definition
17 parchment parr_chmuhn_t 3461 Definition
18 sargent sarrjuhn_t 3461 Definition
19 sergeant sarrjuhn_t 3461 Definition
20 serjeant sarrjuhn_t 3461 Definition
21 redundant ridanduhn_t 3444 Definition
22 abundant uhbanduhn_t 3444 Definition
23 consultant kuhnsaltuhn_t 3435 Definition
24 exultant egzaltuhn_t 3435 Definition
25 resultant rizaltuhn_t 3435 Definition
26 recurrent rikaruhn_t 3433 Definition
27 current karuhn_t 3433 Definition
28 currant karuhn_t 3433 Definition
29 cartland karr_tluhn_d 3428 Definition
30 garland garrluhn_d 3428 Definition
31 marland marrluhn_d 3428 Definition
32 mcfarland muhkfarrluhn_d 3428 Definition
33 reluctant rilaktuhn_t 3392 Definition
34 verdant verrduhn_t 3388 Definition
35 inadvertent inaadverrtuhn_t 3379 Definition
36 undercurrent anduhrkaruhn_t 3373 Definition
37 incumbent inkambuhn_t 3372 Definition
38 recumbent rikambuhn_t 3372 Definition
39 serpent serrpuhn_t 3368 Definition
40 husband hazbuhn_d 3340 Definition
41 correspondent koris_ponduhn_t 3339 Definition
42 despondent dis_ponduhn_t 3339 Definition
43 fondant fonduhn_t 3339 Definition
44 respondent ris_ponduhn_t 3339 Definition
45 proportioned p_ruhpawrshuhn_d 3333 Definition
46 adornment uhdawr_nmuhn_t 3331 Definition
47 assortment uhsawr_tmuhn_t 3331 Definition
48 comportment kompawr_tmuhn_t 3331 Definition
49 deportment dipawr_tmuhn_t 3331 Definition
50 dormant dawrmuhn_t 3331 Definition
51 endorsement endawr_smuhn_t 3331 Definition
52 enforcement enfawr_smuhn_t 3331 Definition
53 informant infawrmuhn_t 3331 Definition
54 reinforcement reeinfawr_smuhn_t 3331 Definition
55 constant kons_tuhn_t 3329 Definition
56 inconstant inkons_tuhn_t 3329 Definition
57 warrant woruhn_t 3328 Definition
58 torrent toruhn_t 3328 Definition
59 abhorrent aabhoruhn_t 3328 Definition
60 borland bawrluhn_d 3299 Definition
61 moorland mawrluhn_d 3299 Definition
62 northland nawr_thluhn_d 3299 Definition
63 portland pawr_tluhn_d 3299 Definition
64 burdened berrduhn_d 3294 Definition
65 triumphant t_rah_iamfuhn_t 3286 Definition
66 bertrand berrt_ruhn_d 3284 Definition
67 efferent efuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
68 deferent defuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
69 belligerent buhlijuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
70 afferent aafuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
71 intolerant intoluhruhn_t 3283 Definition
72 irreverent irevuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
73 itinerant ah_itinuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
74 operant opuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
75 referent refuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
76 reverent revuhruhn_t 3283 Definition
77 tolerant toluhruhn_t 3283 Definition
78 merchant merrchuhn_t 3278 Definition
79 aberrant aabuhruhn_t 3268 Definition
80 cormorant kawrmuhruhn_t 3268 Definition
81 deodorant deeuh_uuduhruhn_t 3268 Definition
82 exuberant egz_yuubuhruhn_t 3268 Definition
83 ignorant ignuhruhn_t 3268 Definition
84 preponderant p_riponduhruhn_t 3268 Definition
85 protuberant p_ruht_yuubuhruhn_t 3268 Definition
86 nonresident nonreziduhn_t 3256 Definition
87 occident oksiduhn_t 3256 Definition
88 oxidant oksiduhn_t 3256 Definition
89 pedant peduhn_t 3256 Definition
90 pendant penduhn_t 3256 Definition
91 pendent penduhn_t 3256 Definition
92 precedent p_residuhn_t 3256 Definition
93 president p_reziduhn_t 3256 Definition
94 provident p_roviduhn_t 3256 Definition
95 resident reziduhn_t 3256 Definition
96 resplendent ris_p_lenduhn_t 3256 Definition
97 student s_t_yuuduhn_t 3256 Definition
98 superintendent suupuhrintenduhn_t 3256 Definition
99 interdependent intuhrdipenduhn_t 3256 Definition
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