Near rhymes with Baby-sit

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 peewit peewit 2104 Definition
2 kiewit keewit 2100 Definition
3 trusteeship t_ras_teeship 2086 Definition
4 exquisite eks_k_wizit 2067 Definition
5 howbeit hah_uubeeit 2062 Definition
6 albeit awlbeeit 2062 Definition
7 egret eeg_rit 2055 Definition
8 perquisite perrk_wizit 2053 Definition
9 deficit defisit 2039 Definition
10 mesic meezik 2039 Definition
11 benefit benifit 2037 Definition
12 amnesic aamneesik 2033 Definition
13 rescript rees_k_rip_t 2033 Definition
14 inexplicit ineks_p_lisit 2030 Definition
15 implicit imp_lisit 2030 Definition
16 explicit eks_p_lisit 2030 Definition
17 hemiplegic hemip_leejik 2028 Definition
18 epistemic epis_teemik 2024 Definition
19 ischaemic is_keemik 2024 Definition
20 analgesic aanuhljeezik 2024 Definition
21 quadriplegic k_wodrip_leejik 2022 Definition
22 ladyship le_idiship 2022 Definition
23 requisite rekwizit 2020 Definition
24 prerequisite p_reerekwizit 2020 Definition
25 affidavit aafide_ivit 2017 Definition
26 systemic sisteemik 2014 Definition
27 paraplegic paaruhp_leejik 2009 Definition
28 cresset k_resit 2006 Definition
29 strategic s_t_ruhteejik 2005 Definition
30 depreciate dip_reeshi_e_it 2002 Definition
31 privet p_rivit 2001 Definition
32 trivet t_rivit 1998 Definition
33 tapestried taapis_t_rid 1996 Definition
34 brevet b_revit 1993 Definition
35 dixit diksit 1981 Definition
36 illicit ilisit 1979 Definition
37 elicit elisit 1979 Definition
38 chimeric kimeerik 1978 Definition
39 visit vizit 1972 Definition
40 repeated ripeetid 1968 Definition
41 civet sivit 1967 Definition
42 onomatopoeic onuhmaatuhpeeik 1964 Definition
43 amoebic uhmeebik 1964 Definition
44 licit lisit 1961 Definition
45 solicit suhlisit 1961 Definition
46 befit bifit 1960 Definition
47 emic eemik 1960 Definition
48 egypt eejip_t 1960 Definition
49 completed kuhmp_leetid 1954 Definition
50 dietrich deet_rik 1954 Definition
51 greeted g_reetid 1954 Definition
52 dispirit dis_pirit 1951 Definition
53 cladistic k_laadis_tik 1943 Definition
54 anaemic uhneemik 1943 Definition
55 morphemic mawrfeemik 1943 Definition
56 phonemic fuhneemik 1943 Definition
57 remix reemik_s 1943 Definition
58 bassett baasit 1943 Definition
59 basset baasit 1943 Definition
60 brigitte b_rijit 1939 Definition
61 bridget b_rijit 1939 Definition
62 winifred winif_rid 1939 Definition
63 tacit taasit 1936 Definition
64 digits dijit_s 1936 Definition
65 digit dijit 1936 Definition
66 bowsprit buh_uus_p_rit 1936 Definition
67 corset kawrsit 1936 Definition
68 dorset dawsit 1936 Definition
69 dulcet dalsit 1936 Definition
70 faucet fawsit 1936 Definition
71 lancet laansit 1936 Definition
72 massachusetts maasuhchuusit_s 1936 Definition
73 prosit p_ruh_uusit 1936 Definition
74 assumpsit uhsam_psit 1936 Definition
75 rivet rivit 1935 Definition
76 twisted t_wis_tid 1928 Definition
77 hellenistic heluhnis_tik 1927 Definition
78 ultrabasic alt_ruhbe_isik 1927 Definition
79 basics be_isik_s 1927 Definition
80 basic be_isik 1927 Definition
81 exit egzit 1926 Definition
82 discomfit diskamfit 1926 Definition
83 bullshit bulshit 1926 Definition
84 buffet bafit 1926 Definition
85 auschwitz ah_uush_wit_s 1926 Definition
86 apposite aapuhzit 1926 Definition
87 forfeit fawrfit 1926 Definition
88 horseshit hawr_sshit 1926 Definition
89 inapposite inaapuhzit 1926 Definition
90 transit t_raanzit 1926 Definition
91 surfeit serrfit 1926 Definition
92 retrofit retruhfit 1926 Definition
93 profit p_rofit 1926 Definition
94 outfit ah_uutfit 1926 Definition
95 opposite opuhzit 1926 Definition
96 intraspecific int_ruhs_pisifik 1924 Definition
97 interspecific intuhrs_pisifik 1924 Definition
98 defeated difeetid 1924 Definition
99 pasted pe_is_tid 1923 Definition
What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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