Near rhymes with Buffet

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 gusset gasit 2171 Definition
2 discomfit diskamfit 2133 Definition
3 dulcet dalsit 2127 Definition
4 russet rasit 2105 Definition
5 budget bajit 2093 Definition
6 dorset dawsit 2093 Definition
7 assumpsit uhsam_psit 2092 Definition
8 whodunit huu_uudanit 2090 Definition
9 gullet galit 2090 Definition
10 drugget d_ragit 2090 Definition
11 turret tarit 2086 Definition
12 cullet kalit 2086 Definition
13 cussed kasid 2072 Definition
14 suffix safik_s 2052 Definition
15 profit p_rofit 2052 Definition
16 prophet p_rofit 2052 Definition
17 nonprofit nonp_rofit 2052 Definition
18 doublet dablit 2045 Definition
19 pundit pandit 2045 Definition
20 mullet malit 2045 Definition
21 corset kawrsit 2044 Definition
22 sussex sasik_s 2043 Definition
23 posset posit 2041 Definition
24 couplet kaplit 2041 Definition
25 culprit kalp_rit 2041 Definition
26 cutlet katlit 2041 Definition
27 cosset kosit 2038 Definition
28 puppet papit 2036 Definition
29 plummet p_lamit 2033 Definition
30 drumstick d_rams_tik 2032 Definition
31 faucet fawsit 2027 Definition
32 deposit dipozit 2025 Definition
33 posit pozit 2025 Definition
34 nugget nagit 2024 Definition
35 closet k_lozit 2021 Definition
36 soffit sofit 2018 Definition
37 horseshit hawr_sshit 2014 Definition
38 sunlit sanlit 2011 Definition
39 bucket bakit 2010 Definition
40 beloved bilavid 2005 Definition
41 nantucket nantakit 2004 Definition
42 blooded b_ladid 1998 Definition
43 subscript sabs_k_rip_t 1998 Definition
44 sonship sanship 1998 Definition
45 caustic kaws_tik 1995 Definition
46 encaustic enkaws_tik 1995 Definition
47 forfeit fawrfit 1991 Definition
48 studied s_tadid 1991 Definition
49 crumpet k_rampit 1988 Definition
50 strumpet s_t_rampit 1988 Definition
51 trumpet t_rampit 1988 Definition
52 trumpets t_rampit_s 1988 Definition
53 bowsprit buh_uus_p_rit 1983 Definition
54 prosit p_ruh_uusit 1980 Definition
55 berkowitz berrkuhvit_s 1979 Definition
56 floodlit f_ladlit 1979 Definition
57 barnet barrnit 1969 Definition
58 barnett barrnit 1969 Definition
59 bartlett barr_tlit 1969 Definition
60 gorget gawrjit 1966 Definition
61 gauntlet gawn_tlit 1966 Definition
62 garnet garrnit 1966 Definition
63 lovesick lavsik 1966 Definition
64 composite kompuhzit 1965 Definition
65 bonnet bonit 1964 Definition
66 target tarrgit 1963 Definition
67 starlet s_tarrlit 1963 Definition
68 audit awdit 1962 Definition
69 hurried harid 1961 Definition
70 honeyed hanid 1961 Definition
71 dorrit dorit 1961 Definition
72 polit polit 1961 Definition
73 collet kolit 1957 Definition
74 strophic s_t_rofik 1954 Definition
75 atrophic e_it_rofik 1954 Definition
76 catastrophic kaatuhs_t_rofik 1954 Definition
77 eutrophic yuut_rofik 1954 Definition
78 heterotrophic hetuhruht_rofik 1954 Definition
79 hypertrophic hah_ipuhrt_rofik 1954 Definition
80 trophic t_rofik 1954 Definition
81 bunyip banyip 1953 Definition
82 parsnip parrs_nip 1953 Definition
83 gothic gothik 1952 Definition
84 republic ripablik 1950 Definition
85 public pablik 1950 Definition
86 worried warid 1950 Definition
87 moneyed manid 1950 Definition
88 courtship kawr_tship 1950 Definition
89 starship s_tarrship 1950 Definition
90 gossip gosip 1947 Definition
91 acrostic uhk_ros_tik 1944 Definition
92 accosted uhkos_tid 1944 Definition
93 summit samit 1940 Definition
94 crotchet k_rochit 1937 Definition
95 unfit anfit 1937 Definition
96 surfeit serrfit 1937 Definition
97 retrofit retruhfit 1937 Definition
98 outfit ah_uutfit 1937 Definition
99 benefit benifit 1937 Definition
What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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