Near rhymes with Haunted

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 vaunted vawntid 2249 Definition
2 undaunted andawntid 2224 Definition
3 stunted s_tantid 2174 Definition
4 wanted wontid 2145 Definition
5 unwanted anwontid 2145 Definition
6 assorted uhsawrtid 2108 Definition
7 distorted dis_tawrtid 2108 Definition
8 sorted sawrtid 2108 Definition
9 sordid sawrdid 2098 Definition
10 wonted wuh_uuntid 2092 Definition
11 unwonted anwuh_uuntid 2092 Definition
12 talented taaluhntid 2070 Definition
13 strumpet s_t_rampit 2060 Definition
14 morbid mawrbid 2059 Definition
15 exhausted egzaws_tid 2056 Definition
16 transported t_raan_spawrtid 2042 Definition
17 contorted kuhntawrtid 2042 Definition
18 corded kawrdid 2032 Definition
19 recorded rikawrdid 2032 Definition
20 torpid tawrpid 2032 Definition
21 unrecorded anrikawrdid 2032 Definition
22 crumpet k_rampit 2031 Definition
23 junket jangkit 2031 Definition
24 trumpet t_rampit 2031 Definition
25 trumpets t_rampit_s 2031 Definition
26 wounded wuundid 2030 Definition
27 salted soltid 2029 Definition
28 vaulted voltid 2026 Definition
29 exalted egzoltid 2026 Definition
30 reconstructed reekuhns_t_raktid 2025 Definition
31 honeyed hanid 2013 Definition
32 jointed jo_intid 2008 Definition
33 disjointed disjo_intid 2008 Definition
34 pundit pandit 2004 Definition
35 conduit kondit 2004 Definition
36 abducted aabdaktid 1996 Definition
37 prodded p_roddid 1991 Definition
38 wholehearted huh_ulharrtid 1982 Definition
39 downhearted dah_uunharrtid 1982 Definition
40 fainthearted fe_in_tharrtid 1982 Definition
41 halfhearted haafharrtid 1982 Definition
42 hearted harrtid 1982 Definition
43 kindhearted kah_in_dharrtid 1982 Definition
44 warmhearted wawr_mharrtid 1982 Definition
45 moneyed manid 1981 Definition
46 spotted s_potid 1980 Definition
47 frosted f_ros_tid 1980 Definition
48 started s_tarrtid 1979 Definition
49 aldridge old_rid_j 1976 Definition
50 orchid orkid 1976 Definition
51 pointed po_intid 1971 Definition
52 disappointed disuhpo_intid 1971 Definition
53 appointed uhpo_intid 1971 Definition
54 studied s_tadid 1971 Definition
55 fundic fandik 1964 Definition
56 tufted taftid 1959 Definition
57 inserted inserrtid 1958 Definition
58 disconcerted diskuhnserrtid 1958 Definition
59 concerted kuhnserrtid 1958 Definition
60 asserted uhserrtid 1958 Definition
61 converted kuhnverrtid 1954 Definition
62 deserted dizerrtid 1954 Definition
63 perverted puhrverrtid 1954 Definition
64 orbit awrbit 1949 Definition
65 orthodontic awrthuh_uudontik 1944 Definition
66 gerontic jirontik 1944 Definition
67 storied s_tawrid 1944 Definition
68 bodied bodid 1942 Definition
69 guarded garrdid 1940 Definition
70 regarded rigarrdid 1940 Definition
71 forbid fawrbid 1938 Definition
72 maladjusted maaluhjastid 1938 Definition
73 crusted k_rastid 1938 Definition
74 drumstick d_rams_tik 1935 Definition
75 brokenhearted b_ruh_uukuhnhartid 1933 Definition
76 dogged dogid 1931 Definition
77 unbolted anbuh_ultid 1930 Definition
78 corbett kawrbit 1927 Definition
79 propertied p_ropuhrtid 1925 Definition
80 assumpsit uhsam_psit 1925 Definition
81 devoted divuh_uutid 1924 Definition
82 lighthearted lah_itharrtid 1922 Definition
83 gauntlet gawn_tlit 1922 Definition
84 unfounded anfah_uundid 1918 Definition
85 confounded konfah_uundid 1918 Definition
86 astounded uhs_tah_uundid 1918 Definition
87 sonnet sonit 1915 Definition
88 orthorhombic awrthuh_uurombik 1915 Definition
89 rhombic rombik 1915 Definition
90 accosted uhkos_tid 1914 Definition
91 uncharted ancharrtid 1913 Definition
92 parted parrtid 1913 Definition
93 departed diparrtid 1913 Definition
94 presented p_rizentid 1912 Definition
95 reinvented reeinventid 1912 Definition
96 audit awdit 1911 Definition
97 sainted se_intid 1908 Definition
98 basaltic buhsawltik 1907 Definition
99 splendid s_p_lendid 1906 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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