Near rhymes with Discursively

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 cursively kerrsivlee 1434 Definition
2 defensively difensivlee 1416 Definition
3 coercively kuh_uuerrsivlee 1416 Definition
4 comprehensively komp_rihensivlee 1414 Definition
5 apprehensively aaprihensivlee 1400 Definition
6 intensively intensivlee 1388 Definition
7 reflexively rif_leksivlee 1386 Definition
8 assertively uhserrtivlee 1382 Definition
9 furtively ferrtivlee 1381 Definition
10 repulsively ripalsivlee 1378 Definition
11 impulsively impalsivlee 1362 Definition
12 evasively ive_isivlee 1358 Definition
13 decisively disah_isivlee 1356 Definition
14 indecisively indisah_isivlee 1356 Definition
15 deceptively diseptivlee 1355 Definition
16 dishonestly disonis_tlee 1346 Definition
17 derisively dirah_isivlee 1346 Definition
18 girlishly gerrlishlee 1344 Definition
19 respectively ris_pektivlee 1342 Definition
20 discernibly diserr_nib_lee 1340 Definition
21 repressively rip_resivlee 1338 Definition
22 reflectively rif_lektivlee 1338 Definition
23 ineffectively inifektivlee 1337 Definition
24 effectively ifektivlee 1337 Definition
25 descriptively dis_k_riptivlee 1336 Definition
26 pensively pensivlee 1335 Definition
27 inexpensively ineks_pensivlee 1335 Definition
28 extensively eks_tensivlee 1335 Definition
29 expensively eks_pensivlee 1335 Definition
30 inventively inventivlee 1335 Definition
31 prescriptively p_ris_k_riptivlee 1334 Definition
32 abortively uhbawrtivlee 1334 Definition
33 destructively dis_t_raktivlee 1332 Definition
34 deductively didaktivlee 1330 Definition
35 distinctively dis_ting_ktivlee 1329 Definition
36 electively ilektivlee 1328 Definition
37 earnestly errnis_tlee 1326 Definition
38 incisively insah_isivlee 1323 Definition
39 churlishly cherrlishlee 1322 Definition
40 impressively imp_resivlee 1322 Definition
41 selectively silektivlee 1322 Definition
42 restrictively ris_t_riktivlee 1319 Definition
43 presumptively p_rizam_ptivlee 1319 Definition
44 authoritatively awthorite_itivlee 1314 Definition
45 quantitatively k_wontite_itivlee 1311 Definition
46 interpretatively interrp_rite_itivlee 1309 Definition
47 unselfishly anselfishlee 1309 Definition
48 selfishly selfishlee 1309 Definition
49 compulsively kuhmpalsivlee 1309 Definition
50 expansively eks_paansivlee 1309 Definition
51 effusively if_yuusivlee 1309 Definition
52 garishly ge_uhrishlee 1305 Definition
53 convulsively kuhnvalsivlee 1304 Definition
54 disruptively disraptivlee 1304 Definition
55 generically jineriklee 1302 Definition
56 inquisitively ink_wizitivlee 1300 Definition
57 immodestly imodis_tlee 1299 Definition
58 inductively indaktivlee 1298 Definition
59 reactively riaaktivlee 1298 Definition
60 intrusively int_ruusivlee 1297 Definition
61 instinctively ins_ting_ktivlee 1296 Definition
62 vindictively vindiktivlee 1296 Definition
63 impassively impaasivlee 1296 Definition
64 administratively aadminis_t_re_itivlee 1294 Definition
65 persuasively puhrs_we_isivlee 1292 Definition
66 pervasively puhrve_isivlee 1290 Definition
67 attentively uhtentivlee 1287 Definition
68 inattentively inuhtentivlee 1287 Definition
69 unreservedly anrizerrvidlee 1285 Definition
70 abusively uhb_yuusivlee 1284 Definition
71 cohesively kuh_uuheesivlee 1284 Definition
72 collusively kuhluusivlee 1284 Definition
73 conclusively kuhnk_luusivlee 1284 Definition
74 exclusively eks_k_luusivlee 1284 Definition
75 inconclusively inkuhnk_luusivlee 1284 Definition
76 obtrusively obt_ruusivlee 1284 Definition
77 incomprehensibly inkomp_rihensib_lee 1284 Definition
78 comprehensibly komp_rihensib_lee 1284 Definition
79 communicatively kuhm_yuunikuhtivlee 1282 Definition
80 determinedly diterrmin_dlee 1281 Definition
81 explosively eks_p_luh_uuzivlee 1281 Definition
82 constitutively kons_tit_yuutivlee 1280 Definition
83 derivatively dirivuhtivlee 1280 Definition
84 wolfishly wulfishlee 1276 Definition
85 militarily militerilee 1276 Definition
86 plaintively p_le_intivlee 1276 Definition
87 feverishly feevuhrishlee 1274 Definition
88 retrospectively ret_ruhs_pektivlee 1273 Definition
89 introspectively int_ruhs_pektivlee 1273 Definition
90 nightmarishly nah_itme_uhrishlee 1272 Definition
91 perceptively puhrseptivlee 1270 Definition
92 expressively eks_p_resivlee 1269 Definition
93 aggressively uhg_resivlee 1269 Definition
94 emotively imuh_uutivlee 1269 Definition
95 successively suhksesivlee 1266 Definition
96 excessively eksesivlee 1266 Definition
97 disturbingly disterrbinglee 1266 Definition
98 hellishly helishlee 1266 Definition
99 slavishly s_le_ivishlee 1265 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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