Near rhymes with Chiaroscuro

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 futuro f_yut_yuruh_uu 969 Definition
2 bureau b_yuruh_uu 968 Definition
3 utero yuutuhruh_uu 837 Definition
4 politburo politb_yuuruh_uu 831 Definition
5 shapiro shuhpi_uhruh_uu 826 Definition
6 coloratura koluhruht_yuruh 815 Definition
7 bravura b_ruhv_yuruh 810 Definition
8 marlborough marr_lbuhruh_uu 809 Definition
9 hillsborough hil_zbuhruh_uu 809 Definition
10 hillsboro hil_zbuhruh_uu 809 Definition
11 scarborough s_karbuhruh_uu 809 Definition
12 gainsborough ge_in_zbuhruh_uu 809 Definition
13 purpura perrp_yuruh 805 Definition
14 acapulco aakuhpulkuh_uu 802 Definition
15 nonzero nonzi_uhruh_uu 799 Definition
16 janeiro juhni_uhruh_uu 787 Definition
17 hero hi_uhruh_uu 779 Definition
18 zero zi_uhruh_uu 779 Definition
19 tomorrow tuhmoruh_uu 779 Definition
20 borrow boruh_uu 779 Definition
21 bujumbura bajuhmburuh 777 Definition
22 woodrow wudruh_uu 775 Definition
23 tessitura tesit_yuruh 775 Definition
24 datura dart_yuruh 775 Definition
25 dura d_yuruh 775 Definition
26 sorrow soruh_uu 774 Definition
27 figaro figuhruh_uu 774 Definition
28 hetero hetuhruh_uu 774 Definition
29 cicero sisuhruh_uu 774 Definition
30 vacuo vaak_yuuh_uu 766 Definition
31 undertow anduhrtuh_uu 764 Definition
32 pleura p_luruh 756 Definition
33 nero ni_uhruh_uu 752 Definition
34 bandura baanduruh 752 Definition
35 mistletoe misultuh_uu 752 Definition
36 morrow moruh_uu 744 Definition
37 arturo arrchuuruh_uu 732 Definition
38 burro berruh_uu 728 Definition
39 burrow berruh_uu 728 Definition
40 jura juruh 726 Definition
41 adorno uhdawrnuh_uu 723 Definition
42 cruzeiro k_ruuze_iruh_uu 722 Definition
43 thorough therruh_uu 720 Definition
44 mura muruh 718 Definition
45 duro d_yuruh_u 717 Definition
46 giacomo jiuhkuh_umuh_uu 715 Definition
47 serow suhruh_uu 714 Definition
48 thoreau thoruh_uu 711 Definition
49 burka burkuh 707 Definition
50 quarto k_wawrtuh_uu 702 Definition
51 tupelo tuupuhluh_uu 692 Definition
52 corvo kawrvuh_uu 690 Definition
53 torso tawrsuh_uu 687 Definition
54 porto pawrtuh_uu 687 Definition
55 porno pawrnuh_uu 687 Definition
56 turbo terrbuh_uu 687 Definition
57 armadillo arrmuhdiluh_uu 686 Definition
58 bolero buhle_uhruh_uu 686 Definition
59 ergo uhrguh_uu 684 Definition
60 servo serrvuh_uu 678 Definition
61 oro awruh_uu 678 Definition
62 pharaoh fe_uhruh_uu 678 Definition
63 faro fe_uhruh_uu 678 Definition
64 apollo uhpoluh_uu 677 Definition
65 roberto robe_uhrtuh_uu 676 Definition
66 furlough ferrluh_uu 675 Definition
67 inferno inferrnuh_uu 675 Definition
68 thermo therrmuh_uu 675 Definition
69 thurlow therrluh_uu 675 Definition
70 lucero luuseeruh_uu 674 Definition
71 undergo anduhrguh_uu 674 Definition
72 borough baruh_uu 673 Definition
73 virgo verrguh_uu 672 Definition
74 verso verrsuh_uu 672 Definition
75 domino dominuh_uu 671 Definition
76 widow widuh_uu 670 Definition
77 willow wiluh_uu 670 Definition
78 winnow winuh_uu 670 Definition
79 autogiro awtuh_uujah_iruh_uu 668 Definition
80 autogyro awtuh_uujah_iruh_uu 668 Definition
81 bungalow bangguhluh_uu 667 Definition
82 romero ruh_uumeeruh_uu 666 Definition
83 furrow faruh_uu 665 Definition
84 virtuoso verrchuuuh_uuzuh_uu 664 Definition
85 puerto p_we_uhrtuh_uu 660 Definition
86 macula maakyuluh 660 Definition
87 kiddo kiduh_uu 658 Definition
88 camarillo kaamuhriluh_uu 656 Definition
89 buffalo bafuhluh_uu 656 Definition
90 pseudo s_yuuduh_uu 656 Definition
91 pillow piluh_uu 655 Definition
92 pomelo pomuhluh_uu 654 Definition
93 modulo mojuhluh_uu 654 Definition
94 wallow woluh_uu 653 Definition
95 swallow s_woluh_uu 653 Definition
96 portico portikuh_uu 653 Definition
97 billow biluh_uu 651 Definition
98 opera opuhruh 648 Definition
99 scherzo s_ke_uhr_tsuh_uu 648 Definition
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