Near rhymes with Assumed

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 resumed riz_yuum_d 3515 Definition
2 fumed f_yuum_d 3515 Definition
3 wound wuun_d 3411 Definition
4 vacuumed vaakyuum_d 3335 Definition
5 mooned muun_d 3250 Definition
6 stoned s_tuh_uun_d 3146 Definition
7 wont wuh_uun_t 3122 Definition
8 domed duh_uum_d 3114 Definition
9 cloned k_luh_uun_d 3056 Definition
10 boned buh_uun_d 3056 Definition
11 wand won_d 3023 Definition
12 abscond aabs_kon_d 2952 Definition
13 correspond koris_pon_d 2952 Definition
14 despond dis_pon_d 2952 Definition
15 respond ris_pon_d 2952 Definition
16 frond f_ron_d 2943 Definition
17 fonds fon_d_z 2943 Definition
18 fond fon_d 2943 Definition
19 want won_t 2929 Definition
20 dont duh_uun_t 2925 Definition
21 swamp s_wom_p 2917 Definition
22 lamont luhmon_t 2908 Definition
23 rawboned rawbuh_uun_d 2908 Definition
24 grandiloquent g_raandiluhk_wuhn_t 2905 Definition
25 eloquent eluhk_wuhn_t 2905 Definition
26 blond b_lon_d 2862 Definition
27 blonde b_lon_d 2862 Definition
28 bond bon_d 2862 Definition
29 monde mon_d 2862 Definition
30 pond pon_d 2862 Definition
31 bouffant buufon_t 2860 Definition
32 font fon_t 2848 Definition
33 stomp s_tom_p 2846 Definition
34 rosamond rozuhmuhn_d 2838 Definition
35 rosamund rozuhmuhn_d 2838 Definition
36 innocent inuhsuhn_t 2834 Definition
37 elephant eluhfuhn_t 2824 Definition
38 stuyvesant s_tah_ivuhsuhn_t 2819 Definition
39 reverend revuhruhn_d 2818 Definition
40 beyond beeon_d 2817 Definition
41 relevant reluhvuhn_t 2814 Definition
42 irrelevant ireluhvuhn_t 2814 Definition
43 adjuvant aajuhvuhn_t 2814 Definition
44 recusant rekyuhzuhn_t 2809 Definition
45 mulholland malholuhn_d 2803 Definition
46 roseland rozuhluhn_d 2802 Definition
47 accustomed uhkastuhm_d 2777 Definition
48 toland toluhn_d 2773 Definition
49 holland holuhn_d 2773 Definition
50 dupont d_yupon_t 2767 Definition
51 vermont verrmon_t 2767 Definition
52 covent kovuhn_t 2764 Definition
53 complexioned kuhmp_lekshuhn_d 2763 Definition
54 intentioned intenshuhn_d 2763 Definition
55 lengthened lengthuhn_d 2763 Definition
56 proportioned p_ruhpawrshuhn_d 2763 Definition
57 reasoned reezuhn_d 2763 Definition
58 thousand thah_uuzuhn_d 2763 Definition
59 thousands thah_uuzuhn_d_z 2763 Definition
60 thousandth thah_uuzuhn_d_th 2763 Definition
61 unseasoned anseezuhn_d 2763 Definition
62 aforementioned uhfawrmenshuhn_d 2763 Definition
63 poignant po_inyuhn_t 2758 Definition
64 sutherland sadhuhrluhn_d 2757 Definition
65 netherlands nedhuhrluhn_d_z 2757 Definition
66 clomp k_lom_p 2756 Definition
67 clomped k_lom_p_t 2756 Definition
68 comp kom_p 2756 Definition
69 pomp pom_p 2756 Definition
70 prompt p_rom_p_t 2756 Definition
71 trompe t_rom_p 2756 Definition
72 consequent konsik_wuhn_t 2749 Definition
73 delinquent dilingk_wuhn_t 2749 Definition
74 frequent f_reek_wuhn_t 2749 Definition
75 inconsequent inkonsik_wuhn_t 2749 Definition
76 infrequent inf_reek_wuhn_t 2749 Definition
77 sequent seek_wuhn_t 2749 Definition
78 subsequent sabsik_wuhn_t 2749 Definition
79 inconstant inkons_tuhn_t 2744 Definition
80 constant kons_tuhn_t 2744 Definition
81 opened uh_uupuhn_d 2744 Definition
82 unopened anuh_uupuhn_d 2744 Definition
83 hereditament heredituhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
84 filament filuhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
85 extravagant iks_t_raavuhguhn_t 2743 Definition
86 element eluhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
87 elegant eluhguhn_t 2743 Definition
88 celebrant seluhb_ruhn_t 2743 Definition
89 arrogant aaruhguhn_t 2743 Definition
90 immigrant imuhg_ruhn_t 2743 Definition
91 impediment impeduhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
92 inelegant ineluhguhn_t 2743 Definition
93 ligament liguhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
94 monofilament monuh_uufiluhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
95 omnipotent omnipuhtuhn_t 2743 Definition
96 predicament p_ridikuhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
97 tenement tenuhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
98 vehement viuhmuhn_t 2743 Definition
99 adjutant aajuhtuhn_t 2743 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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