Near rhymes with Apanage

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 patronage paat_ruhnij 2781 Definition
2 gallonage gaaluhnij 2744 Definition
3 baronage baaruhnij 2744 Definition
4 peonage peeuhnij 2668 Definition
5 concubinage konk_yuubuhnij 2668 Definition
6 coinage ko_iuhnij 2668 Definition
7 orphanage awrfuhnij 2653 Definition
8 parsonage parrsuhnij 2653 Definition
9 personage perrsuhnij 2653 Definition
10 anchorage aangkuhrij 2627 Definition
11 acreage e_ikuhrij 2621 Definition
12 homage homij 2615 Definition
13 acknowledge aaknolij 2614 Definition
14 chaperonage shaapuhruh_uunij 2603 Definition
15 pasturage paaschuhrij 2593 Definition
16 haemorrhage hemuhrij 2582 Definition
17 beverage bevuhrij 2582 Definition
18 cabotage kaabuhtij 2573 Definition
19 vassalage vaasuhlij 2570 Definition
20 brokerage b_ruh_uukuhrij 2562 Definition
21 cooperage kuupuhrij 2562 Definition
22 leverage leevuhrij 2562 Definition
23 sewerage s_yuuuhrij 2562 Definition
24 stockbrokerage s_tokb_ruh_uukuhrij 2562 Definition
25 foreknowledge fawrnolij 2547 Definition
26 pilferage pilfuhrij 2547 Definition
27 porterage pawrtuhrij 2547 Definition
28 coverage kavuhrij 2523 Definition
29 coleridge kuh_uluhrij 2523 Definition
30 borage borij 2517 Definition
31 college kolij 2517 Definition
32 forage forij 2517 Definition
33 knowledge nolij 2517 Definition
34 porridge porij 2517 Definition
35 carnage karrnij 2512 Definition
36 cranage k_re_inij 2512 Definition
37 drainage d_re_inij 2512 Definition
38 empennage empenij 2512 Definition
39 plumage p_luumij 2502 Definition
40 pilgrimage pilg_rimij 2502 Definition
41 damage daamij 2502 Definition
42 brigandage b_riguhndij 2496 Definition
43 tonnage tanij 2494 Definition
44 scrummage s_k_ramij 2486 Definition
45 rummage ramij 2486 Definition
46 pilotage pah_iluhtij 2478 Definition
47 blockage b_lokij 2474 Definition
48 lockage lokij 2474 Definition
49 socage sokij 2474 Definition
50 stoppage s_topij 2474 Definition
51 embassage embuhsij 2471 Definition
52 jovanovich juhvaanuhvich 2442 Definition
53 storage s_tawrij 2438 Definition
54 abridge uhb_rij 2433 Definition
55 abridged uhb_rij_d 2433 Definition
56 bondage bondij 2433 Definition
57 unabridged anuhb_rij_d 2433 Definition
58 sausage sosij 2416 Definition
59 parentage pe_uhruhntij 2416 Definition
60 trowbridge t_ruh_uub_rij 2413 Definition
61 midge mij 2412 Definition
62 soakage suh_uukij 2410 Definition
63 discourage dis_karij 2402 Definition
64 haulage hawlij 2399 Definition
65 drawbridge d_rawb_rij 2399 Definition
66 ostrich os_t_rich 2398 Definition
67 anecdotage aanikduh_uutij 2388 Definition
68 coolidge kuulij 2387 Definition
69 courage karij 2387 Definition
70 wattage wotij 2386 Definition
71 pottage potij 2386 Definition
72 cottage kotij 2386 Definition
73 hostage hostij 2371 Definition
74 portage portij 2371 Definition
75 poundage pah_uundij 2367 Definition
76 partridge parrt_rij 2367 Definition
77 mucilage m_yuusilij 2367 Definition
78 knightsbridge nah_it_sb_rij 2367 Definition
79 footbridge futb_rij 2367 Definition
80 eldridge eld_rij 2367 Definition
81 curtilage kerrtilij 2367 Definition
82 cordage kawrdij 2367 Definition
83 cartridge karrt_rij 2367 Definition
84 cartilage karrtilij 2367 Definition
85 cambridge ke_imb_rij 2367 Definition
86 privilege p_rivilij 2367 Definition
87 privileged p_rivilij_d 2367 Definition
88 yardage yarrdij 2367 Definition
89 wordage werrdij 2367 Definition
90 underprivileged anduhrp_rivilij_d 2367 Definition
91 umbrage amb_rij 2367 Definition
92 tutelage t_yuutilij 2367 Definition
93 suffrage safrij 2367 Definition
94 spoilage s_po_ilij 2367 Definition
95 silage sah_ilij 2367 Definition
96 selfridge sel_frij 2367 Definition
97 sacrilege saakrilij 2367 Definition
98 rutledge ratlij 2367 Definition
99 bandage baandij 2367 Definition
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B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

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