Near rhymes with Absenteeism

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 alphabetic aalfuhbetik 333 Definition
2 aborigine aabuhrijinee 289 Definition
3 elliptic iliptik 285 Definition
4 didnt didn_t 270 Definition
5 octave oktiv 263 Definition
6 pamphlet paamf_lit 222 Definition
7 fortissimo fawrtisimuh_uu 217 Definition
8 lamed le_im_d 215 Definition
9 restrain ris_t_re_in 215 Definition
10 limine leemine 205 Definition
11 pianissimo peeuhnisimuh_uu 195 Definition
12 polypropylene polip_ruh_uupuhleen 192 Definition
13 generalissimo jenruhlisimuh_uu 190 Definition
14 duodecimo d_yuuh_udesimuh_u 184 Definition
15 prestissimo p_res_tisimuh_uu 181 Definition
16 mores mawre_iz 179 Definition
17 electrochemistry ilekt_ruh_uukemis_t_ree 179 Definition
18 minima minimuh 168 Definition
19 deify deeifah_ee 165 Definition
20 academia aakuhdeemiuh 164 Definition
21 destiny destinee 162 Definition
22 adaptability uhdaaptuhbilitee 160 Definition
23 jiminy jiminee 159 Definition
24 intima intimuh 159 Definition
25 objectify objektifah_ee 157 Definition
26 soave suh_uue_iv 154 Definition
27 illinois ilino_ee 154 Definition
28 gemini jeminee 153 Definition
29 atomicity aatuhmisitee 151 Definition
30 monogram monuhg_raam 151 Definition
31 palmer parm_r 151 Definition
32 perform puhrfawrm 151 Definition
33 indemnify indemnifah_ee 150 Definition
34 retsina retsinuh 150 Definition
35 anima aanimuh 144 Definition
36 eskimo eskimuh_uu 144 Definition
37 fatima faatimuh 144 Definition
38 maxima maaksimuh 144 Definition
39 metonymy mitonimee 144 Definition
40 synonymy sinonimee 144 Definition
41 ultima altimuh 144 Definition
42 retina retinuh 143 Definition
43 retinae retinah_ee 143 Definition
44 retinue retin_yuu 143 Definition
45 leyden lah_id_n 143 Definition
46 stamina s_taaminuh 143 Definition
47 serendipity seruhndipitee 143 Definition
48 patina paatinuh 142 Definition
49 karen kaaruhn 141 Definition
50 lowdown luh_uudah_uun 141 Definition
51 unlearned anlerrn_d 141 Definition
52 yakima yaakimuh 139 Definition
53 restrict ris_t_rikt 138 Definition
54 oversimplify uh_uuvuhrsimp_lifah_ee 136 Definition
55 domine dominee 135 Definition
56 domino dominuh_uu 135 Definition
57 lamina laaminuh 135 Definition
58 matinee maatine_ee 135 Definition
59 mutiny m_yuutinee 135 Definition
60 nomina nominuh 135 Definition
61 nomine nomine_ee 135 Definition
62 phenomena finominuh 135 Definition
63 saginaw saaginaw 135 Definition
64 satiny saatinee 135 Definition
65 scrutiny s_k_ruutinee 135 Definition
66 susceptibility suhseptuhbilitee 133 Definition
67 magnanimity maagnuhnimitee 132 Definition
68 respectability ris_pektuhbilitee 130 Definition
69 hiroshima hiroshimah 129 Definition
70 cosima kozimuh 129 Definition
71 antonymy aantuhnimee 129 Definition
72 appendectomy aapuhndektuhmee 128 Definition
73 baptistry baaptis_t_ree 126 Definition
74 alumina uhluuminuh 124 Definition
75 fragmentarily f_raagmuhnte_uhrilee 123 Definition
76 biochemistry bah_iuh_uukemis_t_ree 122 Definition
77 rectify rektifah_ee 120 Definition
78 electrify ilekt_rifah_ee 120 Definition
79 incontestably inkuhntes_tib_lee 120 Definition
80 solidify suhlidifah_ee 119 Definition
81 recreate reekrie_it 119 Definition
82 externality eks_tuhrnaalitee 117 Definition
83 analgesia aanuhljeeziuh 116 Definition
84 inhomogeneity inhomuhjuhneeitee 116 Definition
85 homogeneity huh_uumuhjuhneeitee 116 Definition
86 heterogeneity hetuhruh_uujuhneeitee 116 Definition
87 complicity kuhmp_lisitee 115 Definition
88 geochemistry jeeuh_uukemis_t_ree 114 Definition
89 thermochemistry therrmuh_uukemis_t_ree 114 Definition
90 coquettishly koketish_lee 112 Definition
91 horizontality horizontaalitee 112 Definition
92 acidify uhsidifah_ee 111 Definition
93 abnormality aabnawrmaalitee 111 Definition
94 contemporaneity kuhntempuhruhneeitee 111 Definition
95 absentmindedly aabsuhn_tmah_indidlee 109 Definition
96 photochemistry fuh_uutuh_uukemis_t_ree 108 Definition
97 histochemistry histuh_uukemis_t_ree 108 Definition
98 precise p_risah_is 108 Definition
99 cafeteria kaafuhteeriuh 108 Definition
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